Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inaguration Day

I just watched online as Barack Obama was inaugurated. Very cool. I've been wondering in the days leading up to today about how much hype there normally is before an inauguration. I don't remember this much excitement when previous Presidents took office. But then again both of George W. Bush's elections and at least Clinton's second election left the country divided. Obama's election doesn't feel that way. Even most people who voted for McCain are at least willing to give Obama a good shot.

Here's the amazing thing to me, though. Bush and Obama are so very different from each other in style and substance. Yet they had breakfast with each other this morning, say nothing nasty about each other, and we have a completely peaceful transition of power. I like what I heard Tony Campolo say a couple years ago. As he spoke about U.S. foreign policy he referred to us, and the rest of the world, as Babylon. We're in exile in Babylon. When he was questioned about calling the U.S. "Babylon" and not being thankful for all the good things our country does, Campolo said something like "don't get me wrong - if I have to live in Babylon America is the Babylon I want to live in." I like that. Our country, our world, is full of problems, sin, and evil. As Christians, we're called in part to be a light pointing to a different way of living. But if we've got to live in Babylon, I'm grateful to be in this one.

May God grant President Obama and all of us wisdom and discernment for the days ahead.

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